The Block Reward Podcast

Summary Content

Bitcoin for a lot of people is a strange idea that takes a lot of time and effort to understand. In addition to providing Bitcoin services, we believe strongly that we have a role to play helping people understand this emerging technology. Finding good quality sources for Bitcoin education can daunting.

For that reason we started The Block Reward Podcast. Where we engage Bitcoin experts from all walks of life in entry level conversations that people new to Bitcoin can understand. 

About Podcast

About Podcast

Welcome to The Block Reward the podcast that makes understanding Bitcoin easy for everyone, regardless of expertise. Join us on a trip down the rabbit hole of sound money, where we break down complex concepts into accessible discussions. Our goal is to create easy to understand Bitcoin conversations that resonate with all listeners, by bringing in subject matter experts to have introductory level conversations. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and learn about the potential of this groundbreaking technology. Subscribe to The Block Reward now and unlock the secrets of the digital currency revolution. Visit our website for more info.

Embrace the Future: Simplify Your Transition to Bitcoin Compensation with Block Rewards

Bitcoin is a transformational financial tool that works differently than the financial tools we are used to. It's a big change! We are here to help at every step of the way and make this leap forward as simple and straightforward as possible. 

Building Bitcoin into compensation and rewards will position your organization today, to recruit and retain staff in the economy of tomorrow. Why wait? Get started with submitting some basic info below. A Block Rewards team member will reach out shortly!