About Us

About Us

Our Home Base
Block Rewards is headquartered in Kelowna, BC. We are singularly focused on solutions for Canadian employers to integrate Bitcoin into their compensation, benefits, and retirement savings plan strategies.

We Are Registered with FINTRAC as a Money Services Business (MSB)


The user experience inside the BPP is similar to existing employer sponsored savings plans such as group RRSPs. Members are responsible for maintaining their wallets. The employer handles everything else. Each team member can contribute as much, or as little as they’d  like. Block Rewards will manage all of the transactions to ensure your employees receive their Bitcoin on the same day they receive their pay cheque. 

STEP 1 -Register

STEP 1 -Register

Employees register including Bitcoin wallet address and select their desired contribution amount.

STEP 2 - Collects

STEP 2 - Collects

Block Rewards collects the sum of total BPP contributions from the employer via pre-authorized debit.

STEP 3 - Deposit

STEP 3 - Deposit

Each employee receives their Bitcoin deposited directly into their Bitcoin wallets from Block Rewards.

Money Designed to Gain Value Over Time

Bitcoin offers an innovative solution to the problem of inflation by allowing its holders to store their wealth in a currency that is finite and can never be diluted. Inflation tends to be observed through rising prices, but is better thought of as the loss of purchasing power. As our currency loses purchasing power over time, prices rise.

Why does our currency lose purchasing power? The short answer to that question is that currencies constantly expand in supply by design. Over time that expansion causes people to store wealth in things other than money. As that monetary premium drains out of the currency into things like real estate and stocks, the prices of those assets rise. The currency continues to expand and the cycle continues.

Having a currency that can never expand is a strange concept for most people new to Bitcoin to understand because it is simply so foreign to the way we are used to money working.

If the available supply of a money can never expand, then it too can attract the monetary premium from other currencies the same way real estate does. This is why the price of Bitcoin rises over time, because more money can come into the ecosystem, but there will never be more than 21,000,000 Bitcoin.

As Bitcoin accumulates more capital over time, the price rises because the total number of units is fixed. Put another way, there is a finite amount of Bitcoin and an infinite amount of currency globally available to chase it.


As a Savings Plan

As a Savings Plan

Bitcoin is a new kind of hard asset. It is money that is designed to become more valuable over time, because the total available amount is fixed.

Bitcoin offers a potent compliment to an existing group savings plan and an opportunity for employees to diversify their employer sponsored savings into an  asset that is not correlated to traditional investments available inside RRSPs and Pensions.

Save In Bitcoin

As Part of Compensation

As Part of Compensation

Do you have a team member or key recruit interested in receiving full or partial compensation in Bitcoin?

We can help facilitate Bitcoin compensation as a percentage of salary up to 100%.

This idea will seem crazy until the moment a top candidate request this accommodation during the final stages of recruitment.

Pay In Bitcoin

As an Elective Benefit

As an Elective Benefit

Looking for something to make your employee benefits offering stand out as unique? Want to show the marketplace your organization is committed to being cutting edge and unique?

Build a Bitcoin savings plan into your total rewards strategy. Bitcoin benefits can fit into an existing compensation and benefits strategy in a number of different ways. 

Reward In Bitcoin


Scott Dedels

Scott Dedels
Founder and CEO

Josh Curlett

Josh Curlett
Chief Operating Officer

Travis MacDonald

Travis MacDonald
Chief Financial Officer

John Ely

John Ely
Chief Product Officer

Seb Bunney

Seb Bunney
Chief Information Officer

The Future of Compensation

The Future of Compensation

A block reward is a term in the Bitcoin world that refers to the Bitcoin rewarded to a miner when they successfully validate a new block. Miners supply the bitcoin network computing power and for their energy they are rewarded with Bitcoin. In Bitcoin effort results in an exchange of real value. Effort is required to earn it, effort is required to produce it.

Our business is helping Canadian employers validate their employees' work, with Bitcoin. We help Canadian employers integrate Bitcoin into compensation, rewards, and savings plans. We are the conduit to the next step in the evolution of compensation and total rewards. 

Embrace the Future: Simplify Your Transition to Bitcoin Compensation with Block Rewards

Bitcoin is a transformational financial tool that works differently than the financial tools we are used to. It's a big change! We are here to help at every step of the way and make this leap forward as simple and straightforward as possible. 

Building Bitcoin into compensation and rewards will position your organization today, to recruit and retain staff in the economy of tomorrow. Why wait? Get started with submitting some basic info below. A Block Rewards team member will reach out shortly!